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Class Rule

The Rule class is an experimental interface for adding behavior to Agents. A Rule object may be used in place of a tick function to be added as Agent behavior using agent.set('tick', tickRule). As a trivial example, consider the following Rule, which increments the Agent's x value with every time step:

const rule = new Rule(environment, [
  "set", "x", [
    "add", 1, [
      "get", "x"
agent.set("tick", rule);

Reading from the outer arrays inward, the steps of this Rule instructs the Agent to:

  • set the Agent's "x" value to...
    • The result of adding 1 and...
      • The Agent's current "x" value

Generally, Rule steps are a deeply nested array, where the first value of any given array is always an instruction or operator (e.g. "set", "add", "filter"). See the constructor function for more information about steps.




  • Rule






  • A single step may be as simple as ["get", "x"]. This returns the Agent's "x" value to the outer step that contains it. So, for example, the step ["add", 1, ["get", "x"]], working from the inside out, retrieves the "x" value and then adds 1 to it. More complex steps function similarly, always traversing to the deepest nested step, evaluating it, and 'unwrapping' until all steps have been executed.

    A step's first element should be a string that is one of the allowed operators, followed by a certain number of arguments.

    Operator Arguments Notes
    "add" 2 Pass 2 numbers, or two steps that evaluate to numbers
    "subtract" 2 ""
    "multiply" 2 ""
    "divide" 2 ""
    "mod" 2 ""
    "power" 2 ""
    "get" 1 Pass the key of Agent data to retrieve
    "set" 2 Pass the key and value to set
    "enqueue" 2 Pass the key and value to enqueue
    "local" 2 Pass the key and value to set as local variables
    "if" 3 Pass the conditional (usually a step that evaluates to a boolean), the step to run when true, and the step to run when `false
    "and" 2 Pass the two steps to logically evaluate
    "or" 2 ""
    "gt" 2 ""
    "gte" 2 ""
    "lt" 2 ""
    "lte" 2 ""
    "eq" 2 ""
    "map" 2 Pass an array (or step that evaluates to an array) and a lambda to invoke for each element
    "filter" 2 ""
    "key" 2 Pass an object (or step that evaluates to an object) and the key to retrieve from that object
    "agent" 0 No arguments; returns the Agent
    "environment" 0 No arguments, returns the Environment
    "vector" any Creates an n-dimensional Vector from the supplied arguments


    Returns Rule



environment: Environment

Points to the Environment that is passed in the Rule's constructor function (should be the same Environment of the Agent invoking this Rule)

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